The journey for climate transition

In 2019, the Board of Directors of Assemblin adopted a climate strategy and later a concrete climate agenda. After the merger with Caverion in 2024, this strategy was updated and supplemented with scientifically based climate goals in line with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.

Background and basis

Being a relevant member of the community means keeping pace with the times, and where issues of the climate and energy are concerned, the ambitions for climate policy in our business environment are a natural starting point. This means we must take a position on the global climate treaty in Paris (the Paris Agreement), which most of the EU member states have ratified, as well as to the national climate targets and action plans presented in the countries where we operate.

Our climate impact

In general, Assemblin’s climate footprint in own operations is limited. The direct carbon emissions that our operations generate and can control are primarily emissions from transportation (Scope 1 emissions), emissions from purchased energy, mainy heating of own offices (Scope 2 emissions) and emissions from business travel (part of Scope 3). Of these categories, emissions from our vehicle fleet are the largest.

Moreover, Assemblin’s operations give rise to indirect climate impact via carbon dioxide emissions in the entire value chain (scope 3), not least in the extraction and manufacture of purchased materials as well as transport to/from points of purchase.  Because the availability of relevant environmental data (EPD) for installation products is currently limited, making accurate calculations of the emissions from scope 3 is difficult. 

Our carbon emissions and efforts to reduce them are further described in our Sustainability Report, which is presented annually.

Overall climate targets – our commitment

Assemblin Caverion Group’s long-term climate goal is to reduce our total greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C. To achieve this, Assemblin Caverion Group has also set short-term climate goals, which were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) at the end of 2025.

Climate targets for 2030

Assemblin Caverion Group’s new, short-term science-based targets commit the company to reduce by 2030 from the base year 2023*:

  • absolute greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1 and 2 by 42%
  • absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from the use of sold products when handling sold fossil fuels by 42%
  • all other absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 42%

* The target limit includes land-related emissions and uptake from bioenergy raw materials.

Governance and monitoring

Responsibility for implementing the climate agenda lies with Assemblin Caverion Group’s divisions, but by continuously measuring and monitoring selected key indicators, progress is monitored centrally. Monitoring and analysis is carried out via the Group’s sustainability network and reported in our external sustainability report.

For more information about our climate journey, please refer to the Assembin Caverion Group website.

To Assemblin Caverion Group