Coop Logistics

Installation of light fittings at Coop supermarket in Västerås, central Sweden, was carried out by Assemblin while the customer’s storage areas were in full operation.

  • Coop Logistics, Västerås

This reduced the maintenance costs for lighting in the cold storage areas, since fewer strip lights with a longer life means fewer replacements. It is important to note that the lights are never regulated down to less than 10 percent. This is partly due to safety: the customer wants the storage areas to have some remaining guiding light also in areas that are not currently in use.

Light regulation in a cold storage room (+2°C) places great demands on the technology. Light regulation in refrigerated spaces used to be regarded as technically and economically unfeasible. One important consideration in a cold room is that excess heat from the lights themselves has to be cooled off.

A more efficient light fitting and light source saves roughly 20 percent energy. The lights have to be narrow-beam to cope with the cold surroundings. The actual light regulation contributes a further 50 percent energy saving.